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“Youth Boxing Charity Scam in NOLA Linked to ‘Boss Baines’”

You will find them in downtown NOLA along Canal Street. Men and even children holding a bucket with a laminated flyer taped to it soliciting donations for a youth boxing charity.

“The NOLA Tabloid” did a little digging and discovered that this ring is working for a company Baines Connection, LLC. However, Baines Connection, LLC. does not exist. According to the Louisiana Secretary of State’s website, there is no filing on record for this corporation.

The only place where Baines Connection exists is on social media where it is operated by a very sketchy figure named Edward E. “Boss” Baines, Jr. Mr. Baines and Baines Connection are involved in the local music scene and have various tracks and videos posted of underground rap artists and models they promote.

Mr. Baines’ Facebook page is chalked-full of pictures of half-naked women and Go Fund Me ads claiming assistance with everything from family and friends’ medical expenses, to needing a new van, to wanting to open a gym for children in Algiers, to simply celebrating a birthday.

Mr. Baines recently had a birthday in October and was audaciously trying to raise $8,800 for himself on Go Fund Me. That type of self-centered greed may sound odd for someone supposedly interested in a charitable organization.

Yet, what is not seen on Facebook is Mr. Baines or any young people participating in a so-called youth boxing program.

So, where is all this collected money going? That answer may be found on a simple slip of paper handed out by one of the solicitors working for Baines Connection. The slip of paper reads that workers can earn anywhere from $2,500 - $4,500 a month at Baines Connection in promoting this phony boxing charity.

So, it sounds as though Mr. Baines is not only scamming unsuspecting donors but also unsuspecting workers.

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