“Metro Firm & City Contracts Have Family Ties to 2 NOLA Judges”
In New Orleans, getting city contracts is a family affair for some judges and their family members.
The firm Metro Service Group, Inc. has family ties to two New Orleans judges. Metro’s vice president, Jimmy Woods, is the husband of Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Regina Bartholomew-Woods. In just six short years of their marriage, Metro and its subsidiaries have managed to rack-up numerous, lucrative city contracts under the administrations of both Mayor Cantrell and former Mayor Landrieu. These city contracts include an $8 million deal for Metro to provide janitorial services at the Louis Armstrong International Airport.
Metro’s registered agent is attorney Daniel Davillier, according to its filing with the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office. Mr. Davillier is the brother-in-law of Orleans Criminal District Court Judge Tracey Flemings-Davillier.

More interesting, is Judge Davillier’s husband and Daniel Davillier’s brother, John Davillier, is the owner of a corporation HD and Associates, LLC. based in Gretna. HD and Associates was also awarded a contract as part of the building of the new $1.3 billion terminal at the New Orleans International Airport under the joint venture of Hunt-Gibbs-Boh-Metro.
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