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“The Firm of Appeals Court Judge’s Hubby Got $8 Million City Contract”

With all the fanfare in the local media over the new $1.3 billion terminal at the Louis Armstrong International Airport, a New Orleans appeals court judge took to Facebook to congratulate her husband and his firm’s participation in the project.

Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Regina Bartholomew-Woods congratulated her husband, Jimmy Woods, and Metro Service Group, Inc. for being the only minority equity partner in the joint venture of Hunt-Boh-Gibbs-Metro.

A veiled social media endorsement by a state appeals court judge of a corporation in which her husband is the vice president of is highly unusual for a sitting jurist.

Not to mention that, in just six short years of marriage between Mr. Woods & Judge Bartholomew-Woods, Metro and its subsidiaries have managed to rack-up numerous, lucrative contracts with the City of New Orleans under both Mayor Cantrell and former Mayor Landrieu.

Most recently, Metro landed a renewal of an existing city contract, K18-1254, to provide janitorial services at the New Orleans International Airport to the tune of $251,629.43 per month until December 20, 2019. The original contract with Metro was signed on July 30, 2015, and is capped at an astonishing $8,168,848.32!

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