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“State Senator’s Younger Sister Lands Cushy Job at NOLA City Hall”

Once again, the saying goes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Or, in the case of New Orleans city government, who you’re related to.

State Senator Karen Carter Peterson has been very successful in local politics since 2010, serving as the current Chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party. On the other hand, Carter’s younger sister, Eileen Carter, has a much less impressive resume’ and a shorter list of accomplishments.

That is why it was surprising for many to learn that Eileen’s limited experience in government would qualify her to land a job in City Hall. Eileen is employed as Mayor Latoya Cantrell’s social media manager.

Prior to finding this cushy job, Eileen’s claim to fame was being the host of a little known radio show “The Good Life” on WBOK 1230 am. Eileen also worked as an obscure business consultant and founded Carter Business Development, LLC in 2012.

Eileen’s social media profiles on Facebook and Twitter @Eileen_Carter, praise her big sister, Karen, and urges her friends and followers to vote for Governor John Bel Edwards and in favor of all four city amendments in Orleans Parish pushed by Mayor Cantrell.

On October 12, 2019, Karen won an overwhelming reelection victory, receiving 79% of the votes, despite having publicly acknowledged

a gambling addiction in March.

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