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“Former Candidate Alicia Plummer Calls-Out BESE Board’s Kira Orange Jones on Facebook”

Alicia Plummer, a New Orleans East businesswoman who has unsuccessfully ran for political office in the past, is taking to Facebook to question the residency of BESE Board Member Kira Orange Jones.

It’s fair to say that many of Plummer’s social media posts, especially those involving racial issues, are downright offensive. Some other posts by Plummer deal with bizarre conspiracy theories. This post, however, involving Jones is actually tastefully done and raises a valid issue. Plummer is not alone in speculating that Jones may be living out of state and using various addresses in New Orleans only to maintain residency to hold elected office.

Plummer claims that Jones has had an unstable living arrangement with different addresses over the past eight-years. Plummer raises the fact that Jones got married in 2016 to New Mexico’s Deputy Secretary of Education Chris Ruszkowski as a possible factor. Plummer also claims that Jones has been noticeably absent at BESE Board meetings, which only fuels speculation that she is actually living away.

“The NOLA Tabloid” conducted a search and found four addresses connected to Jones – three in New Orleans and one in Zachary, Louisiana. Jones has listed on publicly available campaign disclosure forms two addresses. Jones most recently noted her address in July of 2019 as an apartment on Dauphine Street in New Orleans. Prior to that, Jones listed an address on Laurel Street in New Orleans, which she had used since 2011.

Additionally, “The NOLA Tabloid” discovered an address on Short Street in New Orleans and an address in Zachary, Louisiana, affiliated with Jones, however, it is unclear when she lived at these locations.

Plummer and others believe that the New Orleans addresses are a sham and Jones is really living in New Mexico and Colorado with her husband.

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