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“Algiers’ Constable Edwin Shorty, Jr. Blames Trump for El Paso Mass Shooting”

The last 48 hours in America has been marred with back to back mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. So far, at least 29 people have been killed and dozens more injured and fighting for their lives in area hospitals and trauma centers.

Much information has been released by law enforcement to the public but some questions still remain. Such as, how did the shooter in Dayton manage to kill his own sister in the carnage after they supposedly arrived at the site of the shooting in the same car with friends?

These horrific crimes and the chilling details of dead bodies being kept inside the El Paso Walmart store as a crime scene for the next day or two are difficult to hear and deal with. Needless to say, many are angry and have taken to social media to vent and even blame others for the actions of the gunmen.

Many are blaming President Donald Trump for the mass shootings, particularly in El Paso after that gunman reportedly left a manifesto filled with racist rants directed towards immigrants from Latin America. Trump is being accused of fueling hate towards Hispanic migrants and setting a nationalistic tone that encourages White supremacists.

Surprisingly, one of those on social media lambasting Trump is a local public official from New Orleans, Algiers’ Constable Edwin Shorty, Jr. Shorty posted a comment to Facebook in response to another user’s post referring to Trump on Sunday, August 4, 2019, at 3:47 p.m., which reads:

“He gets the blame cause he spreads his hate and bigotry from the White House. Your point would be well founded if this wasn’t a targeted shooting. But when the shooter espoused the same beliefs as the Trump then Trump gets the blame.”

Shorty has joined voices with national Democrat politicians like U.S. Sen. Cory Booker & U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke in publicly laying responsibility for the El Paso tragedy on Trump’s doorstep.

In addition to his duties as Algiers’ Constable, Shorty is a civil law attorney and operates his own law practice Edwin M. Shorty, Jr. & Associates, APLC in downtown New Orleans. According to his firm’s web page, Shorty handles legal matters such as personal injury, successions, wills, divorce, child custody, child support, and bankruptcies.

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