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“NOLA DDD Executive Richard McCall Accused of Bullying Female Ranger”

This article is the latest in an exclusive series examining the taxpayer-funded Downtown Development District of New Orleans. In March & April of 2019, “The NOLA Tabloid” reported on revelations that the DDD’s public safety Ranger program was plagued by widespread dysfunction and one of its NOPD detail officers, Brandon Anderson, was tied to a mass shooting at a CBD bus stop in which three bystanders were accidentally shot.

Now, a female Ranger, who “The NOLA Tabloid” will not identify, has recently alleged that one of the DDD’s top executives, Richard McCall, bullied her in the office’s breakroom. The woman claims that she lost two of the DDD’s work smart phones, which the Rangers use to login their daily stats. The DDD notified the woman that $250 would be deducted from her upcoming paychecks for each lost work phone. However, when the woman was in the breakroom, McCall, the DDD’s director of operations, allegedly used the lost phones as a pretext to heckle and chide her and imply that he was going to have her terminated over the lost equipment. Needless to say, the woman was under a great deal of pressure and became emotional. When she tried to explain to McCall that it was an accident and that she needed her job to support her family, McCall reportedly turned his back on her and walked towards his office.

This is not an isolated incident either. According to some Rangers, both past and presently employed, McCall enjoys antagonizing subordinates at the DDD and some believe that he gets a twisted pleasure from doing so. Although Kurt Weigle is the CEO of the DDD on paper, some Rangers have described him as simply being the organization’s spokesperson, oftentimes being relegated to giving speeches and lectures at various downtown events. Weigle has supposedly delegated tougher decisions about day-to-day operations to other DDD executives like McCall. Some Rangers believe that since Weigle is so disengaged, McCall is simply abusing his power and gets off by intimidating others at work.

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