“Former Law Firm Investigator Turned Felon Has New Job in NOLA”
On March 31, 2018, “The Times Picayune” & “New Orleans Advocate” reported that Earl Truvia, Jr., 60 years-old, an investigator for well-known New Orleans defense attorney Martin Regan, was arrested in a sprawling sting operation conducted by jail officials and charged with smuggling illicit drugs into the Orleans Parish Justice Center. Truvia and his three co-defendants were charged with multiple felony counts of conspiracy.
On November 30, 2018, Truvia pleaded guilty in court to 13 felony charges of illegal drug possession and conspiring to smuggle contraband into a detention facility. In exchange for his plea, Truvia was given a slap on the wrist by Judge Karen Herman and sentenced to a deferred four-year prison term with three-years of active probation. Truvia was represented by attorney Dennis Moore of the Capital Defense Project of Southeast Louisiana.
Now, it seems that Truvia is back to working at his old profession. Unnamed sources at Orleans Civil District Court in the CBD have reported seeing Truvia filing pleadings at the Clerk’s Office and searching records at the courthouse.
Apparently, his recent felony convictions have not impeded his employment opportunities. According to Truvia’s online Linked-in profile, he is now a paralegal for John T. Fuller & Associates in New Orleans. Fuller, another prominent defense attorney, has had his fair share of dustups with District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro inside the courtroom and at press conferences.
This was not Truvia’s first scrape with the law either. In 1975, at the age of 17, Truvia and Gregory Bright were convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison for a killing that occurred in the Calliope Projects. Truvia and Bright served 27-years in prison before being exonerated by the Louisiana Supreme Court and freed in 2003.
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