“Grandmother Only Steps Away from Shooting at Iberville Housing Development”
A New Orleans grandmother was watching children play at the renovated Iberville Housing Development this past Sunday evening when the unthinkable happened. What started as a lazy Sunday afternoon with her grandchildren and their friends, quickly tuned into a terrifying incident in which they could have all been killed.
A young woman appeared and began firing at a man sitting nearby. No one was shot and the man escaped on foot unharmed. Needless to say, it was a harrowing ordeal for this elderly woman, who “The NOLA Tabloid” will not identify.
A possible motive behind the shooting stems from a bit of street justice. Allegedly, the man was targeted over a stabbing of a lesbian woman he previously committed. The rumor is that either he or the victim in that stabbing moved to California for a while before returning to New Orleans. When he was spotted at the Iberville Housing Development relaxing that Sunday, another woman acquainted with the stabbing victim sought revenge.
According to the grandmother, the New Orleans police did not respond to the scene and she left shortly thereafter with her daughter.
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