“Are Reports of Sexual Assaults at Xavier University Being Investigated or Ignored by Campus Police?
The issue of rapes at college campuses has been a hot topic in the media for the past several years, especially since the “Me Too” movement. Young women living alone for the first time, often in a new city, become vulnerable to sexual assaults.
At Xavier University in New Orleans, its police force has listed an online “Crime Log” for 2019. So far this year, there have been 8 allegations of sexual assaults reported to Xavier University’s Police Department. Of those 8 reports, only 2 cases are being actively investigated by campus police, 1 case was referred to another police agency (presumably NOPD), 2 cases were closed because the victim(s) refused to prosecute, 1 case was simply closed no further action taken, 2 cases were referred to another university department (unknown department).
The first report, dated January 24, 2019, occurred at Hinkle Hall, was closed and referred to some other university department.
The second report, dated January 29, 2019, occurred at Fenwick Place, was closed/victim refused to prosecute.
The third report, dated January 30, 2019, occurred at Fenwick Place, was closed/victim refused to prosecute.
The fourth report, dated February 16, 2019, occurred at “other campus location,” was simply closed/no further action.
The fifth report, dated March 25, 2019, occurred at Fenwick Place, is an open and active investigation.
The sixth report, dated April 4, 2019, occurred at Fenwick Place, is an open and active investigation.
The seventh report, dated April 28, 2019, occurred at University Station/Off Campus, was closed/handled by other police agency (presumably NOPD).
The eighth report, dated May 7, 2019, occurred at Fenwick Place, was closed and referred to some other university department.
Five of the reports occurred at a student dorm, Fenwick Place, which is described as the “newest and largest residence hall on campus,” according to Xavier University’s website.
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