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“Judge Byron Williams Admits to Groping Clerk & AG Jeff Landry Defends Him”

“Politics really does make for strange bedfellows,” so the saying goes. That is why it is seemingly unbelievable that the Republican Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry is named as an attorney representing embattled Criminal District Court Judge Byron C. Williams, a New Orleans Democrat.

Williams was sued in a 2018 civil action arising from claims he groped and sexually harassed an elder female court clerk, D’Andrea “Dee” Winchester. Winchester did not work for Williams at the courthouse, instead, she is the executive assistant for Section K, presided over by Judge Arthur Hunter.

In her filed “petition for damages,” Winchester alleges Williams first slapped her backside in 2014 in front of another woman when she volunteered at his campaign headquarters. Williams beat out Municipal Court Judge Paul Sens for the open Criminal District Court judgeship. During the election, Judge Sens was accused of domestic abuse by his ex-wife, Ann Garvey Sens, and later she sued him for allegedly transmitting genital herpes to her from an outside affair.

After being elected, Winchester claims that Williams sought her out in the courthouse to touch her chest, feel-up her breasts, and make crude comments to her of a sexual nature from 2014 – 2017. Surprisingly, in his filed responses, Williams admitted to doing most of what Winchester accused him of doing. However, Williams argues that the one-year statute of limitations to pursue a civil action in Louisiana has lapsed, since her lawsuit was filed in 2018 and these acts took place in 2014, 2015 & 2017.

In his pleadings to the court, Williams is represented by a slew of lawyers. One name though particularly sticks out and that is Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry. It is unclear why Landry is involved and defending Williams in a sexual harassment suit. Williams is also represented by attorneys with the law firms Flanagan & Partners, LLP and Elie, Jones & Associates. Winchester is represented by The Demmons Law Firm. The case is before Civil District Court Judge Nakisha Ervin-Knott, Division D.

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