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“Shirtless Suspect With Dog Tased By Police on Bourbon Street”

Last night, Sunday, May 19, 2019, two officers with the NOPD’s 8th District stopped to question a shirtless man with a dog in the 300 block of Bourbon Street. According to witnesses, their conversation was lengthy and went on for over 10 minutes, or so.

It is unclear from witnesses what interest the officers had in this doggy duo, however, the dog was off from its leash and seen roaming around at the time. The man had placed the dog back on its leash after the officers stopped to speak with him. The dog ate discarded slices of pizza smashed into the pavement, as its owner began arguing with police. Witnesses also said that the dog was greeting passersby on Bourbon Street and some even gave the man tips to play with the young pit bull terrier.

Tensions began to grow between the man and police. At times, it seemed as the situation was resolved and the two officers began to walk away but quickly turned back around after the man said something to them. As their argument reignited, the man was seen pushing one of the officer’s hands away.

The police then began grabbing at the man, as a violent struggle quickly ensued. The officers each grabbed one of the man’s wrists, as he ferociously thrashed about to free himself. Once freed from their grasps, the man then retrieved his dog and tried to run away but was reengaged by the officers. One officer tried to tackle the frantic man around his shoulders but he was covered with sweat and slipped away.

The man then took a martial arts-styled fighting stance on the sidewalk in front of Rick’s Cabaret’s strip club when he was tased by police, went limp, and fell haphazardly to the ground. He was then quickly handcuffed and taken into police custody. A crowd of onlookers then whipped out their smart phones to begin video-recording the arrest. A woman visiting from Atlanta swooped in to collect the confused pit bull and walked it over to a responding police unit.

It is unknown who the man is, what eventually happened to his dog, and what criminal charges, if any, he faces.

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