“Was a Former Italian Prime Minister a Kremlin Asset?”
The American media has been consumed for two-years over the story-line that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, and that somehow President Trump is a puppet of Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

In 2006, a similar accusation was leveled against the Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi but the story was severely under-reported in America. However, British and European news outlets vastly covered the salacious headlines.
The revelation was made by an Italian investigator, Mario Scaramella, who became embroiled in the sensational 2006 poisoning of former Russian FSB agent, Alexander Litvinenko, in London. Ironically, over lunch at a London sushi bar, Scaramella warned Litvinenko of a secret plot by Russian intelligence to kill both of them on the same day Litvinenko inadvertently consumed a massive dose of radioactive polonium-210 slipped into a cup of tea. British authorities later discovered a spider web of radioactive contamination sprinkled throughout London hotels, restaurants, bars, and airplanes.
The U.K.'s BBC News obtained a Top Secret document in an interview with Scaramella suggesting that Prodi was an agent of the Kremlin. Scaramella claimed that Litvinenko and other "qualified sources" provided him the information on Prodi. BBC News reported that Litvinenko was set to deliver a speech before the European Parliament addressing Prodi's connections to Moscow. Canada's CBC News reported that Litvinenko was also named as a witness to testify at upcoming criminal trials of Russian mobsters in Spain.
However, Prodi denied the allegation and dismissed it as a political dirty trick to taint his center-left party ahead of upcoming elections. Prodi’s denials were similar to those of Trump over the Russia dossier compiled by former British MI6 agent, Christopher Steele.
Unlike for Trump, the political fallout for Prodi was marginal and he went on to hold high-ranking offices in the European Commission and United Nations.
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