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“New Developments in Millionaire Fugitive Robert Durst’s Murder Case”

In March of 2015, millionaire heiress Robert Durst made international headlines when he was arrested in New Orleans by FBI agents on an outstanding murder warrant issued in Los Angeles.

Durst’s arrest preceded the final episode of HBO’s popular series “The Jinx,” which chronicled Durst’s life as a suspected lady killer. It is believed that the socialite from a wealthy New York real estate family killed his former wife in 1982 and a female friend, who was cooperating with law enforcement, in 2000.

Durst faced new charges in New Orleans after FBI agents found a handgun and marijuana in his hotel room along with a bankroll of $161,631 in cash. The District Attorney’s Office agreed to turn Durst’s case over to federal prosecutors, where a seven-year plea deal was reached on weapons charges.

The Federal Bureau of Prison’s website lists Durst’s anticipated release date as May 13, 2021. However, a 2021 release date may be wishful thinking for the 75-year-old Durst after a judge in Los Angles ruled Thursday that enough evidence exists to proceed with a murder charge against him.

Prosecutors contend that Durst killed his friend, Susan Berman, on Christmas Eve 2000, after learning that she was providing information to police in New York in the disappearance of Durst’s first wife, Kathleen McCormack, in 1982.

Durst’s lawyer insists that his client is innocent and that prosecutors have no solid evidence, instead basing their theory that Durst is a murderer off of a television show.

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