“New York Artist Creates Trump ‘Pee Statues’ for Pets & People”
Does art really imitate life? If so, that may explain why the so-called Trump “pee tape” inspired what some are calling art in NYC.
For one New York artist, he is claiming that five busts he crafted of the 45th President affixed to small patches of astro-turf and signs that read “Pee On Me” are works of art. His name is Phil Gable and he has recently placed these mini statues of Trump in parks and on sidewalks around his hometown of Brooklyn. Gable is encouraging both pets and people to urinate on the statues as a public service.
The reference is to the much sought after “pee tape” that supposedly exists of Trump engaging with Russian hookers in Moscow during the 2013 Miss Universe pageant. Yet, the tape has never surfaced and is thought by many to be a hoax.
Gable’s website, www.philgable.com, features other artistic and branding work he has created for such notable clients as Microsoft, Vivint Solar, and Saint Luke’s Health System.
It is unclear if the statues placed on public property violate any New York City ordinances, or not.
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