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“International Criminal Court Has Investigated Venezuela Since February”

During the recent 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in September, six-nations in the Western Hemisphere asked the International Criminal Court to investigate possible atrocities committed by the Maduro government in Venezuela.

The troubled Latin American nation has seen constant economic and social turmoil since the price of oil plummeted several years-ago. The neighboring country of Columbia has seen droves of refugees pouring over its border to escape the Venezuelan economic crisis. It has been widely reported that staples, such as toilet paper, are either rationed or simply not available on the open market. In addition to the lack of basic supplies, the Bolivarian dollar has been severely devalued and inflation has climbed to dizzying heights. As a result, people are forced to deal on the black market with armed criminal gangs and endure for-profit kidnappings.

Venezuela’s socialist economy is heavily dependent on its oil exports. In fact, Venezuela contends to have the largest provable oil reserves on the planet. In the United States, the Venezuelan state-owned gas station chain, CITGO, operates thousands of locations.

Since 2014, claims have been made by activists, refugees, and human rights organizations that the Venezuelan government has practiced heavy-handed tactics to quell political dissent. Some have claimed unconstitutional arrests and detentions. Others have claimed beatings and torture by national police forces. Yet, some claimed that their relatives and loved-ones have been either killed or disappeared by the state.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has rejected the allegations of human rights abuses as a plot by the imperialist United States government and its allies in Latin America to take over its vast oil fields.

The ICC’s Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has recently announced on her office’s website,, that she has been investigating possible crimes against humanity committed by the Maduro government since February 8, 2018. The Prosecutor contends that Venezuela is a State Party member to the ICC treaty, also referred to as the Rome Statute, and her office will continue its investigation.

During this same session of the U.N. General Assembly, President Trump flatly rejected the ICC, claiming that the tribunal has no authority.

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