“Is Kavanaugh Accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Really a Pawn of the CIA?”
It may sound like a textbook example of a conspiracy theory – a deep-state government hell-bent on undermining Trump, puts up an unassuming, female operative to testify before the Senate about a phony sexual assault accusation in order to torpedo Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination.
However, that seems to be the suggestion of syndicated radio talk show host, Dr. Michael Savage. Savage’s show, “The Savage Nation,” can be heard most late nights locally in New Orleans on WGSO 990 am.
On his website, www.michaelsavage.com, Savage posted a short article detailing Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s connections to the CIA. Savage claims that Ford is or was the head of “the CIA undergraduate internship program at Stanford University.”
Also, Savage alleges that Ford’s father, Ralph Blasey, II, operates three CIA front-companies: Red Coats, Inc., Admiral Security Services & Datawatch, and that Ford’s grandfather, Nicholas Deak, was a longtime CIA operative.
Finally, Savage contends that Ford’s brother, Ralph Blasey, III, had worked “for the international law firm of Baker, Hostetler,” which was linked to the creation of Fusion GPS and the so-called “Russian Dossier” reportedly used to obtain FISA warrants to surveil members of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Coincidentally, the Baker, Hostetler law firm where Ford’s brother worked and the three CIA front-companies that Ford’s father operates are located in the same office building, according to Savage.
What do you think? Is Ford a CIA operative being used by the deep-state to undermine Trump’s nominee? Or, is Ford genuine and testifying truthfully about a past episode of sexual assault?
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