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"Saudis Are Enamored by Female News Anchor"

It wasn't that long ago that women in Saudi Arabia could not drive. Although Saudi Arabia has had female journalists for quite some time, one woman has garnered overnight fame as a "breath of fresh air" in a male-dominated society.

Her name is Weam Al-Dakheel and yesterday she co-anchored the evening news broadcast on the state-controlled Saudi T.V. Channel. The strictly conservative kingdom is slowly moving towards incremental social & economic modernization under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's "Saudi Vision 2030."

Al-Dakheel has previously worked as a journalist with CNBC Arabia, Al-Arab News Channel, and interned at "Dar Al Hayat" Newspaper.

Her Twitter profile handle @WeamAlDakheel reads "I became a journalist to come as close as possible to the heart of the world." She even lists her e-mail address

This story was developed with social media posts by news outlets Arab News & Daily Mail.

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