"Are Robbers Targeting Patrons Outside Harrah's Casino?"
For two nights in a row, patrons have allegedly been targeted for attempted robberies at Harrah's Casino, this according to an unnamed source.
The source, who "The NOLA Tabloid" will not identify, claims that on Wednesday night, September 12, 2018, a doorman at Harrah's Canal Street entrance was asking people congregated outside on the front steps if they saw anyone being robbed. On Thursday night, September 13, 2018, New Orleans police responded to Harrah's Poydras Street entrance to interview an elderly woman who claims that she was also accosted. The woman was still holding her purse when speaking to officers, as it is unclear if any valuables were taken from her during the incident.
For anyone who visits downtown New Orleans, Harrah's main entrance on Canal Street is packed with casino-goers seated on the steps. The steps occasionally attract homeless people and higher-end prostitutes soliciting male tourists leaving Harrah's. Beyond the steps of the front entrance, the bricked-over walking space is also chalked-full of pedestrians and awaiting taxi drivers & pedicabs.
Does this environment of loitering allow unsuspecting casino customers to become victimized?
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