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"Convicted Murderer 'Uncle Louie' is Back on the Streets of NOLA"

In May of 2017, French Quarter residents & workers were shocked to hear that the lovable street performer "Uncle Louie" had been arrested in New Orleans on a 1974 Florida murder warrant. "Uncle Louie," whose legal name is Johnie Miller, 61 years-old, was very distinctively dressed in a white suit as Uncle Sam and had performed his routine with a tiny, stuffed dog on a leash in the Quarter for 20-years.

In April of 2018, "The Times Picayune" & "The New Orleans Advocate" reported that an equally shocking plea agreement was reached with prosecutors in Miller's Florida case. Miller pled guilty to second-degree murder in the 1974 cold case, in exchange for being sentenced to time served, only 344-days in jail!

Part of Miller's plea deal required him to meet with the victim's family and answer some of their long held questions. Miller reportedly admitted to shooting the owner of a Jacksonville food store in an attempted robbery that went bad.

So, what is "Uncle Louie" up to now? Last night, at around 10:30 pm, Miller was spotted on Canal Street & St. Charles Avenue, mouthing-off to a security guard standing post. Miller was not in costume with his toy dog but was aggressive and acting erratically in the CBD.

Perhaps the joyful days of the friendly performer "Uncle Louie" are long gone? Perhaps Miller's dark side has taken over and now roaming the streets of NOLA?

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