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“Dillard Univ. President Tweeted how ‘Some Folks’ Didn’t Want John McCain at Arkansas Campus”

Today, former Presidents George W. Bush & Barack Obama are speaking at a memorial service for Senator John McCain, being held at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. Both Bush & Obama had separately dashed McCain’s previous bids for the White House in 2000 & 2008. McCain is being remembered as the “maverick,” who was willing to reach across party-lines and work with democrats, even at the expense of the Republican Party, on important issues such as comprehensive immigration reform.

On August 25, 2018, Dillard University President Dr. Walter Kimbrough took to his Twitter handle @HipHopPrez to recall a time in 2006 when he met McCain during his previous stint as president of Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas. Kimbrough tweeted:

“Remembering John McCain. He visited Philander Smith in 2006 when I was president. Yeah, I'm a lifelong Democrat (some folks tripped about him being on campus) but I was excited to host Senator McCain- realy enjoyed talking with him.”

Along with this recollection, Kimbrough also tweeted out four pics from his visit with McCain. In one pic, Kimbrough is seated in the middle of a small crowd, as McCain prepares to make an addressment.

According to Wikipedia, Philander Smith College is a “private historically black college,” is “affiliated with the United Methodist Church,” and “a founding member of the United Negro College Fund.” In his tweet, Kimbrough does not identify who took issue with McCain’s visit, such as: college faculty members, officials in the Methodist Church, or leadership in the Arkansas Democratic Party.

So, why all the pushback against McCain in 2006? Wasn’t McCain willing to work with democrats too? Is this another example of intolerance at college campuses? Should politics infiltrate academia? Are college staff & faculty biased in promoting the Democratic Party?

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