"The NOLA Coroner's Office 'Acting Coy' Over Questions About Terrilynn Monette'
In response to a media request today from "The NOLA Tabloid" concerning the 2012 autopsy of Terrilynn Monette, the Orleans Parish Coroner's Office spokesperson stated in an e-mail simply that, "The coroner is not available to comment." However, the office spokesperson, Jason Melacon, would not clarify in a subsequent e-mail if Orleans Parish Coroner Dr. Dwight McKenna will answer questions raised by "The NOLA Tabloid" in its exclusive 5-part series uncovering never before released details of Monette's disappearance.
If any of "The NOLA Tabloid's" readers wish to petition Dr. Dwight McKenna, M.D. to answer questions raised concerning Terrilynn Monette's autopsy, they can call his office at (504)-658-9660, or send a message via social media @ www.facebook.com/DrDwightMcKenna
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