“Part 4: New Information Revealed About Terrilynn Monette’s Personal Life & Disappearance”
Scores of volunteers and private search parties focused their efforts on City Park. Searchers scoured City Park’s vast acres in the hopes that they may recover Monette or find her abandoned car, which may lead to clues in solving this mystery.
According to “The NOLA Tabloid’s” unnamed source, although hours were spent by the source in City Park, nothing was ever located that would link to Monette’s disappearance. However, the source did find other disturbing discoveries in City Park, which would lead some to believe that one or more sadistic predators may be lurking, or even living, in the park.
The geography of City Park is such that one can go from being surrounded by people on a golf course or crowded soccer field, to being totally isolated along a footpath or biking trail. City Park is bordered by railroad tracks that sit atop higher ground and is a vantage point to look across into some of the park’s more desolate areas.
While searching along these railroad tracks, the source discovered a decapitated cat on the rails, a handful of synthetic hair weave stuck to the tracks, abandoned homeless encampments, and graffiti displaying the tag name “ACHOO.” The source also came across a small, unoccupied cinderblock shed in a busier section of City Park. Upon entering the shed, which was partially concealed by overgrown weeds, it was clear that someone had been living in it and left a blanket on the floor, a half-eaten jar of peanut butter, and an opened suitcase filled with ladies shoes and pornographic magazines.
But what did all of this mean? Was there a sexual predator living in City Park? Could Monette have come into contact with him in the early morning hours when she left Parlay’s Bar? Did she have car trouble that night and stopped in City Park on her way home?
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